Widespread Application
Unipolar® adds value and higher performance in agricultural, industrial, municipal, environmental situations. Processing capacities can range from 10 litres per minute to as high as several megalitres per day.
Unipolar's extraordinary performance and compact and modular design offers scalability for a wide range of applications.
- Food washing (fruit, vegetables, meat and seafood); and
- Disinfection of domestic grey and black water, Legionella bacteria in cooling towers and swimming pools and spas;
- Recycling of agricultural water;
- Purification of raw water supply;
- Restoration of polluted water such as rivers and lakes, including the prevention of algal blooms to protect seagrass and other aquatic wildlife.

Industry Food Washing Evaluation
A 2012 report commissioned by Horticulture Australia found Unipolar® technology to be the most effective and efficient method for commercial vegetable washing.
In 2012, Unipolar® achieved superior results in an independent comparative evaluation commissioned by Horticulture Australia. The testing found that leafy vegetables washed with the Unipolar® system had their total bacterial plate count reduced by up to 99.9%. Bacteria levels in water after washing were less than 2 CFU/ml, which reduced the risk of cross-contamination in subsequent batches.
The vegetables also showed longer shelf life, when compared to vegetables washed using (conventional) chlorination. Unipolar® can also be used to sanitise food-processing equipment.
Evaluation of Vegetable Washing Chemicals
Commissioned by Horticulture Australia Ltd (June 2012)
…this (Unipolar®) system has a number of advantages over conventional sanitisers, including Chlorine. Firstly, it is automatic and continuously produces a set amount of sanitisers on a recycling system. Secondly, it records the level of sanitiser used in a continuous manner, thereby satisfying the QA requirements from a HACCP point of view. Thirdly, the shelf life of the sanitised product appears to be higher than the shelf life obtained when using other sanitisers. Finally, no chemicals need to be added to the process to achieve sanitation…
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Evaluation of Vegetable Washing Chemicals
Commissioned by Horticulture Australia Ltd (June 2012)
In these trials electrified oxidised water, an emerging technology, was shown to have superior efficacy to any of the other products tested. Results also showed that product washed with electrified oxidised water had a longer shelf life.
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Evaluation of Vegetable Washing Chemicals
Commissioned by Horticulture Australia Ltd (June 2012)
The Unipolar® water disinfection technology has been validated in accordance with the Department of Health Victoria guidelines (2010) to inactivate at least 4-log bacteria and viruses in waste water. These guidelines set a higher standard than the US EPA guidelines and 4-log inactivation is the highest credit that can be given to a treatment unit.
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Evaluation of Vegetable Washing Chemicals
Commissioned by Horticulture Australia Ltd (June 2012)
Oxidizing water (Unipolar®) does not need special approvals in Australia for direct and indirect food contact applications and can be used as food washing aid without rinsing. The process can be termed as chemical neutral as no chemicals are added and none are left behind after processing.
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Superior Wastewater Disinfection
Our technology removes bacteria and viruses more effectively than conventional methods of disinfection.

Unipolar® water disinfection technology is validated in accordance with the Department of Health Victoria guidelines (2013) to inactivate at least 4-log bacteria and viruses.
These guidelines are stricter than the US EPA guidelines, with 4-log inactivation being the highest credit that can be given to any treatment unit.
Unipolar's superior performance has been successfully demonstrated using secondary treated effluent from sewage treatment plants including:

Hamilton Water Reclamation Plant Wannon Water, Victoria

Brushy Creek Sewage Treatment Plant Yarra Valley Water, Victoria
Carwash Recycling Plant
Unipolar® disinfection technology is ideal for safety minded and environmentally conscious
public institutions and private businesses.

Water spray from high-pressure car wash facilities is a potential source of infectious diseases. To manage this risk, a Melbourne shire council has installed a compact Unipolar® unit in its recycling plant for vehicle wash-down water.
The Unipolar® cells, power supply cabinet, and electrical controls were installed on the side of the water clarification tank, running at a capacity of 25 litres per minute.
Custom and On-site Solutions
The Unipolar® system is highly flexible and can be modified to meet specific goals and requirements.

A Unipolar® installation can be customized to suit different requirements, as not all treatment processes are the same. The system can be modified to include items such as screens, filters, flocculant dosing and pH adjustments for optimal flexibility. We also utilise research facilities and mobile equipment for on-site process development and testing.